The Savage Leader Podcast

Ep. 56: Alternate Side Co-Founder Zack Zarrillo on Building Authentic Brands in Music
In this episode, Darren Reinke chats with Zack Zarrillo, the co-founder of Alternate Side, a full service music company that represents a diverse roster of platinum and gold talent with a combined catalog of over 5 Billion streams throughout alternative, rock, indie, electronic, and metal. Zack shares how he got into the music business, how he creates brands and businesses for his artists, the raging epidemic of mental health in music industry, how he got involved in the donut business, and why he tells his artists that nobody can care more about their music than they can.

Ep. 55: Volo Beauty Co-Founder Jonathan Friedman on Developing an Entrepreneurial Risk Profile
In this episode, Darren Reinke chats with the Jonathan Friedman, Co-Founder and President of Volo Beauty, about his entrepreneurial journey. Jonathan shares insights into how he dealt with failure as an entrepreneur, how he learned to not take things personally, and how he developed a strong enough risk profile to take the entrepreneurial leap.

Ep. 54: William Toti on How He Made the Jump from Submarine Commander to CEO
In this episode, Darren Reinke chats with former Navy Submarine Commander and Sparton CEO William Toti. William discusses what it’s really like to live on a submarine for months on end, the key leadership lessons he learned from the navy, solutions to help transitioning military members thrive, why companies need to hire more veterans, and so much more!

Ep. 53: Musician Wes Geer on Life as a Rock Star and Transforming Lives through Music
In this episode, Darren Reinke chats with musician and founding member of the band Hed PE and Korn guitarist, Wes Geer. Wes shares his experience falling in love with music, his inspiring story about addiction and how he overcame it, the factors that led him to starting to Rock to Recovery, and how Rock to Recovery is helping people battling addiction and mental illness all around the world.

Ep. 52: Crossing Borders Co-Founder Dan Chung on the North Korean Refugee Crisis and What His Organization is Doing to Help
In this episode, Darren Reinke chats with the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Crossing Borders. Dan shares stories of hope from some of the North Korean women he has worked with over the last 20 years, the spark that led him to creating Crossing Borders, his personal definition of Greatness, and so much more!

Ep. 51: Supermojo CEO Amir Sarhangi On Why You Should Incorporate NFTs Within Your Business
In this episode, Darren Reinke chats with the founder and CEO of Supermojo, Amir Sarhangi. Amir discusses his original spark for entrepreneurship, why conviction is the most important part of entrepreneurship, his decision to start another company after a successful exit, how he become interested in NFTs and so much more!

Ep. 50: Co-Founder and CFO Mike Lynn On Why You Can’t Afford to Play It Safe
In this episode, Darren Reinke chats with co-founder and Chief Financial Officer of, Mike Lynn. Mike discusses how is mom being swindled out of money during his childhood led him to pursue wealth management, why he left a very successful career at Merrill Lynch to pursue entrepreneurship, why you can’t book smart your way into being an entrepreneur, and so much more.

Ep. 49: Singer & Songwriter Christian Gibbs on the Importance of Prioritizing Authenticity
In this episode, Darren Reinke chats with singer songwriter Christian Gibbs. Christian discusses how he got into the music business, how he joined iconic 80s band Modern English, how he balances commercial pressure from record labels with his desire to create authentic music, how he uses music to help kids, and so much more.

Ep. 48: Mitchell Thorp Foundation Co-Founder Beth Thorp on Transforming Grief into Purpose
In this episode, Darren Reinke chats with Beth Thorp, co-founder and executive director of the Mitchell Thorp Foundation. Beth discuss how losing her son to a mysterious illness led her and her husband to starting the Mitchell Thorp Foundation, how they harnessed their grief and turned it into purpose, the positive impact their foundation has had on kids with life threatening illnesses, their families, and their communities and so much more!

Ep. 34: Serial Entrepreneur Brian Reese on Using Vulnerability as Your Greatest Strength
In this episode, Darren Reinke chats with the founder and CEO of VA Claims Insider. Brian talks about how going public with his PTSD led him to start his company, what brokenness is and how it can serve you, and the importance of community as a leader and its role in sustaining a movement.
VA Claims Insider serves disabled military veterans by helping them get the VA disability benefits they deserve.

Ep. 33: Former Professional X Games Skier and Speaker, Jamie MoCrazy on Overcoming Adversity and Finding Your Alternative Peak
In this episode, Darren Reinke Chats with Jamie MoCrazy, former professional skier and keynote speaker. Jamie discusses the traumatic ski accident that almost killed her, how she continually overcame daily challenges associated with her recovery, how she and her foundation are helping others uncover their alternative peak post brain injury, and so much more.
Jamie MoCrazy is a keynote speaker and resilience advocate. She tells her unique stories to help the audience understand how to be resilient when encountering crises. She has delivered motivational keynotes to corporations, associations, entrepreneurs, and medical school/university groups. She also partners with Traumatic Brain Injury nonprofits to run campaigns and programs for caregivers and survivors.