Ep. 54: William Toti on How He Made the Jump from Submarine Commander to CEO

In this episode, Darren Reinke chats with former Navy Submarine Commander and Sparton CEO William Toti. William discusses what it’s really like to live on a submarine for months on end, the key leadership lessons he learned from the navy, solutions to help transitioning military members thrive, why companies need to hire more veterans, and so much more!


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  • William’s original goal of becoming an astronaut [1:06]

  • What it's like being in a submarine for extended periods of time [4:36]

  • How being a submarine captain influenced William’s leadership and communication style [6:27]

  • The evolution of William’s career and how he transitioned out of the navy [9:47]

  • The crucial skills William developed that led to his rapid ascent to CEO [16:34]

  • The importance of mentorship in growing your career [21:43]

  • The biggest misconception civilians have with transitioning military members [24:58]

  • William’s suggestions for overcoming the three biggest barriers transitioning military members face [28:06]

  • The endless benefits companies receive by hiring veterans [30:35]


  • Book: https://williamtoti.com/from-co-to-ceo-book/

  • Website: https://williamtoti.com/

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For additional leadership tips, be sure to check out Darren's book - The Savage Leader: 13 Principles to Become a Better Leader from the Inside Out


Ep. 55: Volo Beauty Co-Found​er​ Jonathan Friedman on ​Developing an Entrepreneurial Risk Profile


Ep. 53: Musician Wes Geer on Life as a Rock Star and Transforming Lives through Music