The Savage Leader Journal

Communication Darren Reinke Communication Darren Reinke

How to Be a Better Listener

Most people only listen at 25% efficiency*. Yet, people tout their ability to listen. I was reminded of this yesterday as I tried to have a conversation with a friend while he scrolled through his Twitter feed. Consider a few quick tips to boost your listening skill:

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Mindset, Connect with Your Tribe Darren Reinke Mindset, Connect with Your Tribe Darren Reinke

Empathy in the Workplace: What is Leadership Empathy?

For some, empathy comes naturally. They are able to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes” and understand how changes in the workplace might impact their colleagues. For others, the first step to developing empathy is to Google “what is empathy?” or “what is empathy at work?”

Before we shift to the benefits of empathy and the “how to”, let’s focus on what empathy is and what it’s not.

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Overcome Fear Darren Reinke Overcome Fear Darren Reinke

How to Overcome Fear - Find Something Familiar

One of the foundational principles in The Savage Leader is to “Cultivate Fear and Make it Your Friend.” We all face fear in our lives and in our careers. Fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of embarrassing ourselves in front of our peers or on social media. We all face fear, and the key is to listen to what it is telling you, turn into it, and then start to overcome it so that we can move forward.

Below is an excerpt from The Savage Leader that highlights how a Navy SEAL overcomes fear by finding something familiar.

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Health & Wellness, Productivity Darren Reinke Health & Wellness, Productivity Darren Reinke

How to Reduce Stress & Be More Successful – Reflect and Then Put Your Mind into Gear

Our minds are constantly active. While that sounds great and has served me well professionally for many years, it can also lead to undue stress and restless nights spent bouncing from topic to topic while taxing your body, mind, and energy.

What if we could take all of those thoughts, ideas, and emotions and use them in a productive manner in a way that reduces stress, boosts productivity, and accelerates progress toward our goals? Try putting your mind into first gear by using one or more of the following techniques.

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Authenticity, Communication Darren Reinke Authenticity, Communication Darren Reinke

How to Become a Savage Leader - 13 Principles to Apply

What is a Savage Leader? How do I become a Savage Leader? Those are among the many questions that I hear from people when they hear the name of my book - The Savage Leader: 13 Principles to Become a Better Leader from the Inside Out.

Savage Leaders have three attributes in common and are those leaders who are bold enough to look inside themselves for what matters most and anchor their lives and careers (and actions!) to those values. In addition, there are 13 Savage Principles that will help you on your path to becoming a great leader, a Savage Leader.

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Authenticity, Communication Darren Reinke Authenticity, Communication Darren Reinke

How to Improve Leadership Communication - Lead through Active Listening

One of the foundational principles in The Savage Leader is about using communication to build meaningful, long-lasting bonds with your team. Savage Principle #3 is “Forge Unbreakable Bonds with Your Tribe” and highlights how active listening, curiosity, humility, and the use of powerful questions will improve your leadership communication while also building and deepening relationships with your team members.

Below is an excerpt from The Savage Leader that highlights the importance of active listening and provides practical tips to start being a better listener. A Savage Listener.

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