Ep. 35: Dynam.AI CEO Diana Shapiro on Why Your Organization Will Benefit from Adopting AI

Dynam.AI CEO Diana Shapiro on The Savage Leader Podcast

In this episode, Darren Reinke chats with Diana Shapiro, CEO of Dynam.AI. Dianna discusses her journey from selling gym memberships to selling on Wall Street to becoming a CEO. She covers why sales in the lifeblood of any company, what CEOs and Chief Revenue Officers can learn from each other, the power of artificial intelligence in today’s world, and why adopting AI can enhance your business.

Dynam.AI is a next-generation AI software developer with patent-pending decision support technology; customizable solutions for anomaly detection, process optimization, and real-time tracking.


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  • How Diana went from selling gym memberships to selling stocks and bonds on Wall Street [1:11]

  • The one critical skill you can adopt to become better at sales [6:45]

  • The processes Diana uses to effortlessly understand complex industries [9:03]

  • How you can transition from Chief Revenue Officer to CEO [11:08]

  • The key skills and behaviors Diana adopted to successfully shift from CRO to CEO [13:36]

  • Diana’s advice for those wishing to transition from CRO to CEO [14:47]

  • What CEOs can learn from CROs and vice versa [15:57]

  • Why fundraising is a critical skill that all CROs should adopt [18:30]

  • An overview of Dynam.AI and the work that they do[21:36]

  • Understanding a model and how to train it [23:17]

  • How Diana goes about educating CEOs on AI [26:29]

  • Why Artificial Intelligence adoption is low and the key barriers preventing greater AI adoption [28:53]

  • How Diana aims to practically build trust around AI [30:36]

  • The significant elements of AI that we overlook as a society [32:37]

  • The questions you need to ask before fully adopting AI [35:37]

  • Where the AI industry has significant room for improvement [37:54]

  • Diana’s advice to leaders who are looking to adopt AI in a significant way [40:59]


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For additional leadership tips, be sure to check out Darren's book - The Savage Leader: 13 Principles to Become a Better Leader from the Inside Out


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Ep. 34: Serial Entrepreneur Brian Reese on Using Vulnerability as Your Greatest Strength