The Savage Leader Journal

Overcome Doubt Darren Reinke Overcome Doubt Darren Reinke

How asking a “What if…” Question Helped Me Launch a Surf Travel Company in Brazil

As individuals, we can use questions to challenge assumptions we have about ourselves and tackle self-limiting beliefs. In The Savage Leader, I shared the story of how serial entrepreneur Michel Kripalani used a “How might that work…?” question as the jumping off point to start a mobile app company around the Dr. Seuss series of books. Doing so helped him beat back his self-limiting belief of his readiness to start a company and basing it on a child’s classic.

I used a similar question as the genesis to launch my first company, Nexus Surf, a surf travel company based in the South of Brazil.

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Values Darren Reinke Values Darren Reinke

How to Create Purpose in Your Life and Career

Helping leaders create a sense of purpose is one of the most meaningful parts of my executive coaching work. Most people assume that purpose is created in a flash of light, through a singular experience. The reality is that we create purpose through intention, reflection, and action. For me, creating purpose was a long and winding road that unfolded over many years. I wanted to share my story as well as what I’ve learned to fast-track the path to creating purpose so that you can build more purpose into your life and career.

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Lifelong Learning and Growth Darren Reinke Lifelong Learning and Growth Darren Reinke

Don’t Let Ego Be the Enemy of Your Growth

I talk a lot about growth in The Savage Leader. I also talk about barriers that get in the way of our growth. A recent personal story taught me yet another common impediment to our growth—our own egos. The following story taught me how ego can trespass in our pass to growth, but also the importance of stepping past it in search of lifelong growth and development.

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Authenticity Darren Reinke Authenticity Darren Reinke

What Writing a Book Taught Me about Authenticity

While I had long been aware of authenticity as a leadership principle, I don’t think I truly embraced it personally until I started writing my book, The Savage Leader. For much of my professional career, I had focused on showing the world the “Smart Darren”, which meant the “Accenture Darren” and “Berkeley Haas MBA Darren.” Not the “real Darren”, whatever that meant.

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Becoming a Savage Leader Darren Reinke Becoming a Savage Leader Darren Reinke

The Launch of The Savage Leader Journal

Today’s post is the first in a series that I am calling “The Savage Leader Journal.” The journal is a collection of my early morning/late at night/middle of the night musings, thoughts, insights, and stories that will act as a sand box to incubate, test, and refine new ideas and insights that will go into future books, courses, and tools to help each of us on our way to become a Savage Leader.

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