What Are the Benefits of Leadership Purpose?

What's the Value of Having Purpose?

The Benefits of Leadership Purpose

“Do I need to have purpose to be successful?” That’s a question I hear all the time. Many people, even successful ones, spend so much time in a heads down sprint that they never look up to see if there is more out there.

Is a sense of purpose a luxury for a select few or is it prerequisite for success modern life?

Purpose is by no means required for modern life, but it surely will help you live a life with greater meaning and anchor you when faced with important decisions.

“Okay, so what’s the value of purpose?” you may wonder? A sense of purpose offers several practical benefits.

The Benefits to Leaders of Having Purpose

Leadership Purpose Benefit #1: Purpose Gives Life Meaning

First and foremost, having purpose provides greater meaning in your life. For me, that meant trading my life as an Accenture consultant for my current work as an executive coach and corporate trainer. As a consultant, my work centered on helping companies be more successful; develop and execute a new go-to-market strategy, implement a new software system, or develop a better customer-facing website. The work was intellectual engaging, provided a robust business background, and now provides the insight that allows me to connect with executives at all levels of any organization. But for me, it lacked purpose. While my path to finding purpose was full of fits and starts, it was well worth it. Having purpose provides meaning to my days, to my career, and to my life.  Read more about how purpose has provided meaning in my life.

Leadership Purpose Benefit #2: Purpose Creates Greater Fulfillment in Work

Purpose also provides greater fulfillment at work. Rather than deliver on the bullet points of a job description, purpose will provide greater fulfillment by aligning a set of tasks with what matters most to you. For me, my days as an executive coach are spent building better leaders from the inside out. I help leaders identify and align with their values, develop an authentic leadership style, communicate more effectively with their teams, and overcome inner obstacles. Living out my own personal sense of purpose through work provides greater fulfillment Monday to Friday (and beyond). Read more about how purpose creates greater meaning in life.

Leadership Purpose Benefit #3: Purpose Acts as a North Star

Purpose also acts as a beacon or North Star in your career and life. Without purpose, we can whipsaw back and forth to the “best” and most lucrative career options – Jobs providing a great paycheck but also jobs that lack alignment with our values; e.g. family, giving back, work-life balance, etc.

For me, knowing, internalizing, and living out my purpose guides my career and life. When my ego for greater financial success or eminence kicks in, leaning on my purpose gives me confidence to stay on the path - my path. Even when the path forward is cloudy, focusing on my purpose gives me confidence that I am headed in the right direction.

Leadership Purpose Benefit #4: Purpose Supports Decision Making

Another key benefit of purpose is that it supports better decision making. When faced with big decisions in your life and career, leaning on your purpose will ensure your choice aligns with what matters most – your purpose. For me, purpose helps me make choices about the clients I work with and don’t work with. It also continues to guide the way to I build and run my company. Being there for my two young boys is one of the most important aspects of my life. I love coaching their sports teams and being there for big moments in their lives. As a result, I’ve built a largely-virtual organization that is able to deliver services via Zoom and short, intense in-person coaching and training sessions as well as digital products. My purpose stays front and center when encountered with choices to take on new client opportunities that would violate my most important personal values. Learn more about how purpose can help you make better decisions.

Leadership Purpose Benefit #5: Purpose Helps You Avoid Temptations

Ah, the allure of the temptation or the shiny objects. Temptations like the new, big promotion that would require 80% travel or a new business model focused on profits over exceptional customer service. Having purpose will help avoid those temptations by shifting from a desire to achieve external rewards and payoff to a need to fulfill a deep sense of purpose. These choices, these temptations are hard to avoid. Maybe some are worth it, but most times they are not. Having purpose will help you side-step those short-term temptations and stay focused on achieving your purpose. This applies to your professional life just as much as it does to your personal life.

Next Steps to Develop Leadership Purpose

Are you ready for greater purpose in your career and life? Is greater meaning and fulfillment now a non-negotiable? If so, get started now and create purpose in your life and career.

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