The Savage Leader Journal

Authenticity Darren Reinke Authenticity Darren Reinke

The Savage Manager: How Managers Can Apply the Principles of The Savage Leader

In the time since I published The Savage Leader, people have asked me to go deeper with each Savage Principle. “How can I be authentic as a sales person?”, “How can I became more values-centric as a leader?”, or “How do the principles apply to me as an individual contributor?” are questions that have emerged. In response, I have directed people to the Key Takeaways in the book and Challenge at the end of each chapter. But, I want to go further as The Savage Leader was intended to be both easy to read and easy to apply.

I am kicking off a series of posts to bring the principles of The Savage Leader to managers of teams. The Savage Manager starts here.

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