The Savage Leader Journal

Authenticity Darren Reinke Authenticity Darren Reinke

3 Steps to Greater Authenticity in Your Customer Relationships

Be more authentic. It’s a charge and aspiration for each of us. Be more authentic with ourselves and our teams.

Salespeople and other customer-facing employees can also benefit by being more authentic with customers. But what does it mean to be authentic? Being authentic is first and foremost about staying true to our values and not wavering in the face of adversity or pressure to hit external metrics or goals. It also requires expressing vulnerability, standing behind your words, and connecting with people in a more meaningful way.

I believe that great leaders and salespeople are built from the inside out. The path to becoming more authentic starts with a commitment to being more authentic followed by introspection and hard work to practice greater authenticity in your work and life. To get started, consider the following three steps.

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